Friday, September 10, 2010

Cheers to Us...

TRUTH # 44: I’m in need of a delusional detox! I am searching for perspective in a barren wasteland and housed in an endless fog of blah and blame. The blame is for me, blah is for existence. “To be or not to be?” ...If you choose the latter then you’re dubbed a quitter. No one wants to be remembered as a quitter. I think about how strong I am supposed to be, or pretend to be, because I am a woman. We are the bearers of such tremendous burden, for ourselves and for others. I’ve witnessed it first hand, I hear it, I see it, and we talk about it over coffee in the morning, just like breathing. We are the pioneers of multitasking; it’s embedded in our DNA. How far will a woman go to take care of her family? How much pain can we withstand, whether it’s heartache or child birth? Plagued with the promise of Breast Cancer and we still fight. Dominated in a testosterone friendly environment, tortured and stereotyped by our hormones, it’s an unfair battle but still, we keep moving forward. We can do absolutely anything and be what we want to be, from your ultimate fantasy to your worse nightmare. What dwells between our legs is not a source of weakness; do not be confused, she’s a source of raw power. My warped world is encompassed by the strength and brilliance of some of the most intelligent and most profound women, and I have to thank them for letting me be a piece of furniture inside their world. Where is all this coming from? Well, I like to remain in my dark place, it’s comfortable there, but occasionally I step out into the light and what welcomes me is the warm embrace of these beautiful women, with smiling faces and open arms, who do not judge me and accept me for who I am, as macabre as only I can be. They all have a story to tell, a scar to bear and a struggle to overcome. I rarely admit to being stunted in awe to the point where it makes me drop to my knees but respect is given, when respect is due and these ladies have earned my respect. From suffering comes strength and wisdom, I can’t compare to the power of these woman but one day I will. If you are reading this and think I am talking about you, feel I am talking about you or maybe even hinting in your direction, you’re right. To those who have helped me, encouraged me, stood by me and will stand by me, to those who remain more than a true friend to me, to those who are my sisters standing with me in the fire, this is about you. Hold your heads up, never look down, never back down and never look back. Struggle breeds strength and right now we are the strongest breed alive. To know me is to love me, to know me is to know that I love you.

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