Wednesday, October 13, 2010

M. Malady

Spiral down, downward twist and turns
A detour off the righteous path
Spiraling and spinning to escape the chaos of the aftermath
An ode or dedication or rather a declaration to the letter “D”
Detonated bomb left her dying of asphyxiation
Suffocating disillusion
Depictions of lost hopes and dreams, lying face down; dormant and despondent.
Death scattered amongst the ground
An overwhelming sense of dejection
the delight in her despair, dangerous desires so real, follow the torturous ebb and flow next to an empty bottle of pills
She decided this pain is her own; quiet tears tread daintily and spill from her lifeless eyes
When she lets go, will the discourages wail with pathetic woes and pitiful sighs?
Tremble with fear
Doom is a bloom and soon it will do to you what’s happening within
her desensitized grin; disgraced, displaced, hate deepening within.
A dark shadow lingers, disturbing and shaking her calm demeanor.
As watchful eyes despise her mistakes; wicked lies linger on tongues
A dilapidated noose, dangling freely amid the branches of the deep-rooted poplar tree
Decaying in the distance, waiting for me
The family ties that bind me here
Delimit my human being
The ropes downward spiral around my neck, descends to hands already restrained
A gentle push
Down she goes
The decadent sound of breaking bones
Bellowing winds pushes pass her distorted figure
Released from Hell, Sweet Death there to greet her
An upward accession, a peaceful road
Dissever the bonds that were ever so bold

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